Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Hydraulic analyzers
-Allows simultaneous measurement of pressure and flow temperature
-Used in industry and agriculture
-Compact design
-Allows you to ignore the possible reverse flow
-Easy installation
-Reliable design

Catalog (ENG)


All Lake Monitors products

The group «New Technologies» offers products from the plant Lake Monitors: rotameters, flow meters, sensors, turbine monitors, transmitters, alarm detectors, hydraulic analyzers
  • Liquid rotameters Lake Monitors
    Liquid rotameters
    Series B, etc.
  • Bidirectional flow meters Lake Monitors
    Bidirectional flow meters
    Series B, etc.
  • High temperature. flow meters Lake Monitors
    High temperature. flow meters
    series H, J, etc.
  • Turbine flow meters Lake Monitors
    Turbine flow meters
    series ES, CSB, PSB, VSB, TSB, etc.
  • Emergency alarms Lake Monitors
    Emergency alarms
    series M, N, etc.
  • Hydraulic analyzers Lake Monitors
    Hydraulic analyzers
    WTA series, etc .
  • Pneumatic flow meters Lake Monitors
    Pneumatic flow meters
    G series, etc.
  • Drainage flow meters Lake Monitors
    Drainage flow meters
    Series C, etc.
  • Flow indicators Lake Monitors
    Flow indicators
    CV series, etc.
  • Stream Transmitters Lake Monitors
    Stream Transmitters
    R series, etc.
  • Phosphate Ether Sensors Lake Monitors
    Phosphate Ether Sensors
    P series, etc.
  • Test hydroanalysts Lake Monitors
    Test hydroanalysts
    series K, T, etc.

About Lake Monitors

Lake Monitors Company (USA) Now it is one of the leaders in the production of flow meters, flow relays and signaling devices, converters and hydraulic analyzers for pipeline control systems.

    The simple and reliable design of the devices, high-quality components and high performance characteristics allow Lake Monitors to offer the most optimal price for the manufactured products.
  • client orientation

    The company is always ready to find non-standard solutions that meet the needs of customers, to help with the installation and adjustment of equipment.

    The international team of Lake Monitors engineers sets the last word in the field of control and measuring equipment, starting from innovative developments and ending with the unique fault tolerance of the products.

Information Board Lake Monitors

Learn more about our products Lake Monitors.
  • Price list of в магазине Lake Monitors
    Price list of Lake Monitors
  • Lake Monitors Catalog производства Lake Monitors
    Lake Monitors Catalog
  • Lake Monitors Questionnaire марки Lake Monitors
    Lake Monitors Questionnaire


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